Even if someone has an Alertpay or Moneyboookers account but the chances are that in most cases they are unable to Cash out their earnings (due to various restrictions).
So what i wanted to point out here is that; You can Earn Decent Money Online, by providing Money Exchange services such as: Moneybookers to Paypal exchange, Paypal to Moneybookers, Mobeybookers to Alertpay, Alertpay to Moneybookers or Paypal to Alertpay, Alertpay to Paypal money exchange, or various other options…
If you have a valid Paypal account, and you know someone (suppose a co-worker) who also owns a Paypal Account, but cannot Withdraw his money due to some restrictions, in that case, you can offer him Payment Exchange service, by taking his Paypal Balance and giving him money in cash or in exchange of any other form i.e. Moneybookers or Alertpay (and charge your Fees lets say 5%). So in this way, you can also make profit, and your c0-worker whose amount was Blocked, also gets his money :)
There should be various situations, where you could take maximum advantage of money exchange services and make profits :)
Hope you got my point, and concept of this system, however always try to remain within the guidelines of these services.